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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Heroes of Might and Magic 5 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-04-04 13:33:10 Views : 17403 show_hero_mp Shows detailed movement point stats for currently selected hero - exact quantity, stats for currently plotted path. set_hero_luck_morale X Y Sets luck (X) and morale (Y) base values for current hero. For example, set_hero_luck_morale 5 3. @Loose() Lose Mission. add_gold # Sets current gold to # and zeroes out other resources. add_army town nTownID, bUpgrade Will fill all hero army slots with 10 creatures of town id specified. Second param is 0 or 1 which controls whether creatures are from upgraded dwellings or not. Town IDs: HEAVEN = 0 PRESERVE = 1 ACADEMY = 2 DUNGEON = 3 NECRO = 4 INFERNO = 5 Example: add_army 5, 0 will fill all hero army slots with 10 basic inferno creatures. add_army 4, 1 will fill hero army slots with 10 upgraded Necro creatures. PERKS: PERK_PATHFINDING = 19 PERK_SCOUTING = 20 PERK_NAVIGATION = 21 PERK_FIRST_AID = 22 PERK_BALLISTA = 23 PERK_CATAPULT = 24 PERK_INTELLIGENCE = 25 PERK_SCHOLAR = 26 PERK_EAGLE_EYE = 27 PERK_RECRUITMENT = 28 PERK_ESTATES = 29 PERK_DIPLOMACY = 30 PERK_RESISTANCE = 31 PERK_LUCKY_STRIKE = 32 PERK_FORTUNATE_ADVENTURER = 33 PERK_TACTICS = 34 PERK_ARCHERY = 35 PERK_FRENZY = 36 PERK_PROTECTION = 37 PERK_EVASION = 38 PERK_TOUGHNESS = 39 PERK_MYSTICISM = 40 PERK_WISDOM = 41 PERK_ARCANE_TRAINING = 42 PERK_MASTER_OF_ICE = 43 PERK_MASTER_OF_FIRE = 44 PERK_MASTER_OF_LIGHTNINGS = 45 PERK_MASTER_OF_CURSES = 46 PERK_MASTER_OF_MIND = 47 PERK_MASTER_OF_SICKNESS = 48 PERK_MASTER_OF_BLESSING = 49 PERK_MASTER_OF_ABJURATION = 50 PERK_MASTER_OF_WRATH = 51 PERK_MASTER_OF_QUAKES = 52 PERK_MASTER_OF_CREATURES = 53 PERK_MASTER_OF_ANIMATION = 54 PERK_HOLY_CHARGE = 55 PERK_PRAYER = 56 PERK_EXPERT_TRAINER = 57 PERK_CONSUME_CORPSE = 58 PERK_DEMONIC_FIRE = 59 PERK_DEMONIC_STRIKE = 60 PERK_RAISE_ARCHERS = 61 PERK_NO_REST_FOR_THE_WICKED = 62 PERK_DEATH_SCREAM = 63 PERK_MULTISHOT = 64 PERK_SNIPE_DEAD = 65 PERK_IMBUE_ARROW = 66 PERK_MAGIC_BOND = 67 PERK_MELT_ARTIFACT = 68 PERK_MAGIC_MIRROR = 69 PERK_EMPOWERED_SPELLS = 70 PERK_DARK_RITUAL = 71 PERK_ELEMENTAL_VISION = 72 Cheat mode: First make a backup of the file. Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec.cfg" file in the "\gamedir\profiles\" directory. Add the following line to the end of the file: setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes Press ~ during game play to display the console window: Effect - Result: Add skill points - add_skill [skill name] Set all resources to 0 - clear_money Set gold quantity - add_gold [number] Selected hero has all spells - add_all_spells Display selected hero's movement points - show_hero_mp Get indicated number of resources - add_money [number] Add indicated experience to selected hero - add_exp [number] Display indicated player's resources - show_player_money [player number] Fill hero army with creatures from indicated town - add_army town [town number] [0 or 1] Set luck and morale for selected hero - set_hero_luck_morale [luck number] [morale number] Alternate Cheat mode In order to use cheat codes, you must first enable the cheat console. To enable the cheat console for all game profiles, locate the autoexec.cfg file in your game folder\profiles directory. Open this file with Notepad. Add the following line as the last line in the file: setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes The end of the file will now look something like this: //=========================================// Startup mainmenu setvar dev_console_password = schwinge-des-todes While playing, press the tilde (`) key to bring up the cheat console. Use the following cheat codes in the cheat console. SKILLS: SKILL_LOGISTICS = 1 SKILL_WAR_MACHINES = 2 SKILL_LEARNING = 3 SKILL_LEADERSHIP = 4 SKILL_LUCK = 5 SKILL_OFFENCE = 6 SKILL_DEFENCE = 7 SKILL_SORCERY = 8 SKILL_DESTRUCTIVE_MAGIC = 9 SKILL_DARK_MAGIC = 10 SKILL_LIGHT_MAGIC = 11 SKILL_SUMMONING_MAGIC = 12 SKILL_TRAINING = 13 SKILL_GATING = 14 SKILL_NECROMANCY = 15 SKILL_AVENGER = 16 SKILL_ARTIFICIER = 17 SKILL_INVOCATION = 18 show_player_money # Outputs resource quantities of specified player into console. Allows you to spy on other players. Example: show_player_money 2. add_skill NAME or ID Add skills, perks or abilities. You can use either the name or ID number. Example: add_skill Sorcery or add_skill 8 will both give Sorcery. See list below for all 150 skills along with IDs. Use the following names or IDs with the add_skill cheat. When using the name, use only the name itself and not the prefix (example: Sorcery not Skill_Sorcery). @Win() Win Mission. add_exp # Adds # of experience to currently selected hero. add_money # Sets all resources except gold to # and sets gold to #*1000. So add_money 100 gives 100 of all resources and 100000 gold. FEATS: KNIGHT_FEAT_ROAD_HOME = 73 KNIGHT_FEAT_TRIPLE_BALLISTA = 74 KNIGHT_FEAT_ENCOURAGE = 75 KNIGHT_FEAT_RETRIBUTION = 76 KNIGHT_FEAT_HOLD_GROUND = 77 KNIGHT_FEAT_GUARDIAN_ANGEL = 78 KNIGHT_FEAT_STUDENT_AWARD = 79 KNIGHT_FEAT_GRAIL_VISION = 80 KNIGHT_FEAT_CASTER_CERTIFICATE = 81 KNIGHT_FEAT_ANCIENT_SMITHY = 82 KNIGHT_FEAT_PARIAH = 83 KNIGHT_FEAT_ELEMENTAL_BALANCE = 84 KNIGHT_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE = 85 DEMON_FEAT_QUICK_GATING = 86 DEMON_FEAT_MASTER_OF_SECRETS = 87 DEMON_FEAT_TRIPLE_CATAPULT = 88 DEMON_FEAT_GATING_MASTERY = 89 DEMON_FEAT_CRITICAL_GATING = 90 DEMON_FEAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE = 91 DEMON_FEAT_DEMONIC_RETALIATION = 92 DEMON_FEAT_EXPLODING_CORPSES = 93 DEMON_FEAT_DEMONIC_FLAME = 94 DEMON_FEAT_WEAKENING_STRIKE = 95 DEMON_FEAT_FIRE_PROTECTION = 96 DEMON_FEAT_FIRE_AFFINITY = 97 DEMON_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_GATING = 98 NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEATH_TREAD = 99 NECROMANCER_FEAT_LAST_AID = 100 NECROMANCER_FEAT_LORD_OF_UNDEAD = 101 NECROMANCER_FEAT_HERALD_OF_DEATH = 102 NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEAD_LUCK = 103 NECROMANCER_FEAT_CHILLING_STEEL = 104 NECROMANCER_FEAT_CHILLING_BONES = 105 NECROMANCER_FEAT_SPELLPROOF_BONES = 106 NECROMANCER_FEAT_DEADLY_COLD = 107 NECROMANCER_FEAT_SPIRIT_LINK = 108 NECROMANCER_FEAT_TWILIGHT = 109 NECROMANCER_FEAT_HAUNT_MINE = 110 NECROMANCER_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_FEAR = 111 RANGER_FEAT_DISGUISE_AND_RECKON = 112 RANGER_FEAT_IMBUE_BALLISTA = 113 RANGER_FEAT_CUNNING_OF_THE_WOODS = 114 RANGER_FEAT_FOREST_GUARD_EMBLEM = 115 RANGER_FEAT_ELVEN_LUCK = 116 RANGER_FEAT_FOREST_RAGE = 117 RANGER_FEAT_LAST_STAND = 118 RANGER_FEAT_INSIGHTS = 119 RANGER_FEAT_SUN_FIRE = 120 RANGER_FEAT_SOIL_BURN = 121 RANGER_FEAT_STORM_WIND = 122 RANGER_FEAT_FOG_VEIL = 123 RANGER_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_LUCK = 124 WIZARD_FEAT_MARCH_OF_THE_MACHINES = 125 WIZARD_FEAT_REMOTE_CONTROL = 126 WIZARD_FEAT_ACADEMY_AWARD = 127 WIZARD_FEAT_ARTIFICIAL_GLORY = 128 WIZARD_FEAT_SPOILS_OF_WAR = 129 WIZARD_FEAT_WILDFIRE = 130 WIZARD_FEAT_SEAL_OF_PROTECTION = 131 WIZARD_FEAT_COUNTERSPELL = 132 WIZARD_FEAT_MAGIC_CUSHION = 133 WIZARD_FEAT_SUPRESS_DARK = 134 WIZARD_FEAT_SUPRESS_LIGHT = 135 WIZARD_FEAT_UNSUMMON = 136 WIZARD_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_WIZARDY = 137 WARLOCK_FEAT_TELEPORT_ASSAULT = 138 WARLOCK_FEAT_SHAKE_GROUND = 139 WARLOCK_FEAT_DARK_REVELATION = 140 WARLOCK_FEAT_FAST_AND_FURIOUS = 141 WARLOCK_FEAT_LUCKY_SPELLS = 142 WARLOCK_FEAT_POWER_OF_HASTE = 143 WARLOCK_FEAT_POWER_OF_STONE = 144 WARLOCK_FEAT_CHAOTIC_SPELLS = 145 WARLOCK_FEAT_SECRETS_OF_DESTRUCTION = 146 WARLOCK_FEAT_PAYBACK = 147 WARLOCK_FEAT_ELITE_CASTERS = 148 WARLOCK_FEAT_ELEMENTAL_OVERKILL= 149 WARLOCK_FEAT_ABSOLUTE_CHAINS = 150 clear_money Sets all your resources to zero. add_all_spells Gives all spells to currently selected hero. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Heroes of Might and Magic 5 cheat codes.
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